Tonsa Seay

A sultry little bunny that loves to play

21+ only

Kink List

I love discussing kinks, so this is just a list of some things I'm into! Nothing is a hard requirement; I'm flexible and definitely down to talk about things not mentioned here. However, things in the " absolute no's" section are completely off limits.


Chubby Characters
Cock / Ball Worship
Dirty Talking
Heat / Rut
Large Balls
Leash and Collar
Pregnant Sex
Pubic Hair
Risk of Pregnancy
Tail Pulling
Uncut Cocks
Vaginal Sex (Receiving)


Barbed Cocks
Clit Play
Double Penetration
Fellatio (Performing)
Hair Pulling
Instant Hookups
Muscular Characters
Natural Musk
Sloppy Seconds
Story Driven
Vanilla Sex

Absolute No's

Birthing [as in writing out the scene. I don't mind her having kids]
Condoms ;)
Underage Characters


  • Age: 93 (27 in Hyur years)

  • Sexuality: Bi - Male preference

  • Occupation: Weaver

Having heard of the world beyond the trees she called home, Tonsa decided to venture forth. The warm breeze and lush forest she once knew were no longer there to comfort her. But her curiosity, coupled with the vibrant world around her, more than made up for things.Though new to the rest of Eorzea, Tonsa is hardly shy! Confident and sultry, she has no problem letting her intentions be known, and enjoys learning about the world that was once denied to her.


Heya! I'm relatively new to FFXIV, but have been role playing for a long time, so I've got a ton of experience writing. I'm not looking for anything OOC, so all interactions are strictly between our characters ♥Also, despite how heavily ERP based this carrd is, I'm down for all types of RP! I will say romantic RP is about 98% of what I'm into though ahaha.


Hailing from southern jungles far from Eorzea, lush, tropical rainforests were all that Tonsa knew. The jungles provided everything that she needed, and while seasonal flooding forced them to adapt, life was simple. Her tribe, the Seay clan, was relatively small; numbering at about a hundred Viera. In spite of its numbers, it was a very tight knit community. Everybody had a role--whether it be assisting in child rearing, farming, or even weapon crafting, every Viera played an integral part in keeping the community running.Tonsa happened to fall under the hunters of her tribe. Having been taught to hunt at a young age, the older Viera of her tribe stressed the importance of respecting nature and taking only what was needed. Viera, though intellectually capable of much more than the other creatures of the forest, were just as much a part of nature as the flora and fauna around them. Equipped with the knowledge and philosophy that her tribe passed down to her, Tonsa learned to take from nature with minimal impact.Her start as a hunter was humble. The elders taught her to hunt small things like spiders and lizards before teaching her how to fish. As she grew older, she eventually learned how to spear fish. However, her true hunting talents lied in archery, where the draw of her bow meant certain death for her prey.Life was simple for Tonsa. She was content. She had even learned how to sew her own clothes from elder Viera!But as she matured, she grew curious of the world outside of her tribe's jungle. She knew there were other Viera tribes, but she had never seen them, or stepped foot onto their territory. So, if they existed without her having ever seen them, what else was there beyond the comforts of her home?The thought didn't bother her too much at first. Tonsa was happy to continue hunting deer and other game for her tribe. But as the years went on, her curiosity only grew stronger.It was a heartbreaking decision to leave her tribe. Viera law was strict in that contact with outsiders was forbidden, and those who chose to leave their homes were excommunicated. The only place she had ever known no longer welcomed her.She understood her tribe's decision. She was not the first Viera to wander off, and she wouldn't be the last. With all she had learned, Tonsa set off to wander the world, always eager to learn.


An adventurer might find Tonsa in a marketplace, advertising the clothes she weaves. She'll probably get you to try on a few pieces!Someone in need of custom clothes might find a flyer with Tonsa's name on it! She'll get you custom fitted in no time.A mercenary might find Tonsa hiring them as a bodyguard to accompany her as she travels, or to protect her wares during transport.Fellow Viera might find it easy to come up and spark a conversation, given their similar backgrounds.Highlanders might find her curious eyes staring for just a bit too long. Are you brave enough to call her out on it? ♥A native Ul'dahn might recognize her face. She has a small clothing stall on the Sapphire Avenue Exchange.Someone in the fur trade might find her trying to work out an arrangement. She has to get all that fur and pelt from somewhere!More hooks to come!

Quick rundown

I wrote a lot in Tonsa's background, so this is basically her character in a nutshell

  • From southern jungles

  • Grew up in a matriarchy

  • Left jungle home, and Viera law exiles those who leave/contact outsiders

  • Nurturing and warm

  • Wise and mature, but still playful

  • Skilled with a bow

  • Also a skilled tailor/weaver

  • Wants to learn about anything and everything

  • Also if you're a male highlander with eyebrows, pls message me right away, y'all are my weakness :)

What's Tonsa currently up to?

After spending a bit of time in Eorzea, Tonsa's been able to make a decent name for herself in the fashion industry! She isn't a designer whose name is known far and wide, but she's established a reputation for quality and affordability.The lion's share of her income comes from Ishgardian nobles that commission custom clothing from her. Community has always been a huge part of her character, though, and while she doesn't have any particularly strong ties to Ul'dah itself, she cares a great deal about the average, working person.The less expensive clothing she sells is sold at a bit of a loss, but she just looks at it as her way of giving back to the community. Fashion doesn't need to be just a luxury!

Currently looking for: Long term, romantic RP!